How to Make a man Fall in Love with You - 10 Tips

How to Make a man Fall in Love with You – 10 Tips

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10 tips on How to Make a man Fall in Love with You:

Love comes to everyone in their own time. You can’t speed up something like this, but the most important thing here is patience. In this article, we’ll discuss best secrets for How to Make a man Fall in Love with You. If you’re ready for men to flock around you everywhere you go, read on! Let’s dive deep to the topic, How to Make a man Fall in Love with You – 10 Tips.

How to Make a man Fall in Love with You
How to Make a man Fall in Love with You

Love should be a natural process of emotions developing organically but here are some best secrets on How to Make a man Fall in Love with You:

01. Pay attention to his preferences and needs.

02. Show interest in HIS interests, then find common likes and interests to build upon. Arrange to go do them, like buying tickets to concerts or sports events you both enjoy, or doing outdoor things together. Men bond when quality time is spent together. This doesn’t mean suppress your own interests; it means to find commonality, and be open to trying new things with him. Letting him introduce you to new hobbies, and showing delight in his efforts, is great.

03. Be easy to be with: nice and mannerly, gracious, with kind communications. No one likes to be derided, judged, or guilted. Nor do they want a woman who is clingy or jealous. This—-along with “be yourself”—- is perhaps the most important thing.

04. Keep yourself well-groomed, but don’t be high maintenance (unless of course he likes that kind of girl, but many men don’t). Whiny, jealous and demanding also fall into high maintenance. At the same time, be a real woman—-know your worth, don’t belittle yourself or sell yourself short.

05. If you have talents like singing, art, playing an instrument, show them to him. Include him in your friends group.

06. Be cool around his friends so that he is proud to show you to them. Be loyal: never, ever, ever flirt with any other guy and especially not with his friends, and don’t ever talk behind his back. Give him plenty of time and space to hang out with his friends. If you smother him, he will eventually resent it. Be independent, not needy—-keep up your own interests and be busy when he isn’t available. A little bit of separation (and mystery) really helps to keep a man’s interest!

07. Be thankful. Always say thank you when he does something for you, takes you out, gives you a gift, etc. Reciprocate appropriately; if he always takes you to dinner, make a special night out for him, or cook him dinner sometimes. If he gives you gifts, give him one too.

08. Pay attention to his “love language”. If he is always fixing things for you, it’s acts of service. If he gives you gifts, it’s gift-giving. If he likes to hang out, it’s spending quality time. If he is very touchy, it’s physical touch. Whatever his love language is, you need to mirror it at least some of the time in order to make him feel loved.

09. Never, ever, ever, dis his family. Even if he does. You can agree with him but say no more. He is allowed to dis his own family—-you aren’t. Parents have way more influence over children than you think, so keep good relations with his parents. Be especially kind and thoughtful to his mother, bring her flowers, etc.

10. Be yourself. We all need to accommodate our mates, but don’t change too much. It isn’t sustainable and you won’t be happy long-term. Besides, you want him to love the real you right? Not some fake you.

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How to Make a man Fall in Love with You

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